PHP Custom Scripts

Our PHP applications and online widgets provide all-must have features for the respective business needs, as well as a fresh visual appearance. Still, we are well aware that we cannot meet all clients’ tastes and requirements.

How It Works

Usually, the script customization process goes through the below listed steps. Of course, there are projects of different scale and complexity and the approach might vary accordingly. Whatever it takes, we are here to assist you!

  1. Contact us and describe your requirements.
  2. We will discuss your web project in more detail.
  3. We will provide you with a quote and execution period.
  4. We will kindly ask you for a 50% deposit payment.
  5. You will test the custom-made script on our demo server.
  6. We will perform some bug fixing and fine-tuning, if needed.
  7. After your approval we will send you the modified software.
  8. You will be requested to make the final payment.